First C Sharp code
This first C# code will help you to
implement logics into program. clearlly
how the code and C#
program requires three important steps to do work. It is Input, Process and Output. It is the basic concept of almost all
the programming language.. The program requires some input from the user. Next,
the program processes the input with programming language and finally shows the
Basic C# Example:
Namespace my_prog
class Hello
static void Main()
How to debug or Execute:
Using Notepad
Step 1: Open Notepad and write the following c# code carefully.
Step 3: Go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 > Visual Studio Tools > Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 Command Prompt.
Step 4: Set Path in command prompt where your Chapter1.cs file is saved. Here we are using D:/Csharp>
Step 5: Now compile your program by following command:
csc my_prog.cs
You will see some information like compiler version number and framework information. There is no error, so you won’t get any error.
Step 6: Now, it’s turn to C sharp program. Just write your file name
without extension and hit enter.
Step 7: You will
get the output as Hello World
environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x86 tools.
C:\Program Files\MIcrosoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC>d:
D:\>cd csharp/
D:\csharp>csc Chapter1.cs
Microsoft <R> Visual C# 2008 Compiler version 3.5.30729.1
for Microsoft <R> .NET Framework version 3.5
Copyright <C> Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hello World
C:\Program Files\MIcrosoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC>d:
D:\>cd csharp/
D:\csharp>csc Chapter1.cs
Microsoft <R> Visual C# 2008 Compiler version 3.5.30729.1
for Microsoft <R> .NET Framework version 3.5
Copyright <C> Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hello World
Using Visual Studio 2010 or 2012
Visual Studio is
easiest way to handle C# code. To execute the program on visual studio, go
through the following steps:
Step 1: Launch
Visual Studio and go to File > New Projectthrough the following steps:
Step 2: Select Visual C# in left pane and then choose Console Application.
Step 3: Select your location where you want to save the file and then click OK.
Step 4: Visual Studio will open a code editor window including some necessary code.
Step 5: Now write the above mentioned code and press Ctrl+F5 to run C# code.
Step 6: You will see the same output in Visual Studio Command Prompt.
Simply Press F5 to execute your program
Hello World
Advanced C# Example:
using System;
namespace my_prog
class Program
static void Main(string[]
f_name, l_name; //Variable for storing string value
message for entring value
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Your first Name");
and holding values in f_name variable
f_name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Ypor Last Name");
and holding values in f_name variable
l_name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Your Full Name is {0} {1}",f_name,
console screen
Now Press F5 to execute your program
Please Enter Your first Name
Please Enter Your Last Name
Your Full Name is Suhail Osmani
You can Press F11 continuously to see how your program executes.
After completion of each segment, must do
exercise. It will help you clear your concept and improve your programming
C# programming is very easy so never be bored with this language. After sometime, when you will cover basic segment, you will be surely confident in C# programming.
C# programming is very easy so never be bored with this language. After sometime, when you will cover basic segment, you will be surely confident in C# programming.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
It is used for including C# class library. C# has huge collection of classes
and objects. If you want to use those classes then you will have to include
their library name in your program.
String f_name , l_name; //Variables
for storing string value
It is a string variable that stores value input by user. A variable is a
symbolic name of special data types that is used to store value in memory
temporarily. Here, name is variable of string data types.
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Your First Name"); used for displaying message on console.
f_name = Console.ReadLine(); Storing value in the f_name
l_name = Console.ReadLine(); Storing value in the l_name
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Your last Name"); used for displaying message on console.
Console.WriteLine("Your Full Name is {0} {1}",f_name, l_name);
Again used for displaying message on the console. A new thing in this line is {0} and {1}. It is pronounced as place holder that is used for displaying variable value. In the above line, {0} print the value of f_name and {1} prints the value of l_name .
In C#, Console.WriteLine() and Console.ReadLine() are the very important method.
Console.WriteLine() : It is used for displaying message on the console.
Console.ReadLine() : It is used for accepting user input.
First C Sharp code
Reviewed by Admin
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